Google's acquisition of On2 Technologies prompts punditry and blog posts from all over the Web. One view points to On2…
Security experts point out that the attack conicided with the first anniversary of escalation of the conflict in South Ossetia
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was sworn in shortly before an online tool used by his opponents suffered a DDOS attack. Users…
Mini-blogging service's chief executive discusses surging popularity in the UK and the importance of the service during Iranian election protests
Mesh networking is one of the tools being used to help improve internet access in some African countries
If a recent Evans Data study is any indication, private cloud deployments could rise sharply over the next year
Legislation would carve out an exception to a national law that outlaws wireless jamming devices, allowing such wireless jamming devices…
Cisco Systems reports its profits fell by almost half in the fiscal fourth quarter and sales dropped by more than…
Security researchers released details today about vulnerabilities in XML libraries from Sun Microsystems, Python and Apache
While the search engine company noted the importance of video online, Google declined to specify how it will use On2's…
But the case isn't over yet argue legal experts and there is still room for an appeal
Despite the financial downturn, allocating time for so-called green IT makes sense for financial, marketing and altruistic reasons, according to…
Tech-savvy youngsters are key to the future prosperity of Europe but need support in the shape of an "online single…
The Google Android mobile OS is making its way to the enterprise. Research In Motion is still leading the pack.…
Pre-sales of Apple's OS Snow Leopard take the software to the top spot on online retailing site Amazon
IBM could be in the midst of another round of layoffs that is expected to affect hundreds of its employees,…
Two US lawmakers and FCC chairman Julius Genachowski deliver a chilling message to broadband providers: Consumers have rights, beginning with…
Intel has teamed up with Facebook to harness the processing power, and compassion, necessary to pursuing research projects aimed at…
The order comes a day after the U.S. Marine Corps issued a ban on the use of Facebook, Twitter and…
Workers are not happy with proposed changes to their pensions while union officials argue the company is not suffering enough…
While US authorities are keen to extradite the British hacker, its military has publicly admitted to trying to hire recruits…
It's Firefox's reputation for superior security, rapid patching of security holes and its multitude of browser extentions that has allowed…
Government aiming to create a £1billion fund for technology companies
Motorola is expected to release two handsets running Google's Android OS for the holiday season, which is contributing to sunny…
Microsoft's Bing gained a single point of market share in July, bringing its total to 9.41 percent, according to a…
An unnamed analyst has reportedly gotten a look at the 10-inch tablet Apple has in the works — a slate-style…
After upbeat financial results from Intel and better forecasts in the handset and PC industries, global semiconductor sales increased in…
The Brussels-based EC said on 3 Aug that it has scheduled an antitrust review date of 3 Sep to discuss…
Apple boss Steve Jobs had admitted that there are now too many conflicts of interest for Google's chief executive to…
Against a backdrop of companies having to cut headcount and even forgo paying staff, a scheme to encourage businesses to…