McKinnon Loses High Court Battle Against Extradition

British hacker Gary McKinnon has lost his protracted legal fight in the High Court today and now faces extradition to…

15 years ago

Toxic Vendors Will Need Standards to Clean Up Their Act

Corporate accountability director says the recent green leaf Apple turned over is only a small step along a long road…

15 years ago

The Roots Of IBM’s New Legal Mainframe Troubles

IBM has kept hold the mainframe market illegally, say critics, tying hardware and software, and witholding licences. The issue is…

15 years ago

Government Denies Price Hikes Will Negate Smart Grid Savings

Despite estimates that energy prices could increase by as much as 60 percent, the government has said smart metering could…

15 years ago

VMWare Responds To “Green” Hydroelectric Criticism

Environmentalists have criticised VMWare's choice of hydroelectric power for the damage damming causes salmon stocks and local communities

15 years ago

NASA To Smash Satellite Into Moon

In the hunt for water on the moon, NASA will send a spent upper stage rocket and a satellite traveling…

15 years ago

Microsoft’s Ozzie Launches Social Networking Lab

Microsoft chief software architect Ray Ozzie has decided that "social" is the way of Microsoft's software future, announcing the creation…

15 years ago

Microsoft Not Interested In E-Readers Say Reports

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer dismissed interest in his company producing an e-reader, saying during a trip to Europe that PCs…

15 years ago

Iomega Launches Green NAS Device

Iomega's latest offering to storage-seekers, announced on 7 Oct, is the double-drive StorCenter ix2-200 desktop machine, which is a bit…

15 years ago

FBI Director’s Wife Imposes Online Banking Ban

FBI Director Robert Mueller confessed his wife asked him to give up online banking after he nearly fell victim to…

15 years ago

Database Virtualisation: The Next Big Thing?

IT managers are well aware of the cost savings that can be achieved by virtualising servers, but now experts say…

15 years ago

Adobe looks to the Cloud with ColdFusion 9

Adobe Systems has unveiled a slew of product announcements around its ColdFusion development environment

15 years ago

Feds Investigate IBM Mainframe Business

IBM's big iron business is reportedly facing a probe from federal investigators, over possible antitrust violations.

15 years ago

EC Calls For €50bn Green Tech Investment

Investments in green tech will need to increase from €3 to €8 billion per year

15 years ago

Apple and Sony Praised For Toxic Progress

Seven companies have been singled out for their progress on cutting toxic chemical compounds in hardware

15 years ago

Review: Windows Mobile 6.5

Microsoft's Windows Mobile 6.5 is definitely an improvement over previous versions, but it still has too many vestiges of the…

15 years ago

Microsoft Nearing Final Deal With European Commission

Microsoft's long-running battles with the European Commission over antitrust issues could end by the end of the year, with Microsoft…

15 years ago

FBI Cracks Phishing Scheme

The FBI partnered with Egyptian law enforcement to shut down a phishing ring authorities say was targeting American banks

15 years ago

Gateway Launches Windows 7 Touch-Screen PCs

Gateway has introduced its ZX Series of all-in-one touch screen desktop PCs

15 years ago

IT Wages Stabilising But Unemployment Still High

An index report on wages for technology workers shows a steady course but unemployment is still at a six year…

15 years ago

Dell To Close Facility, Cut Jobs

Dell is planning to close its US Winston-Salem, N.C., manufacturing plant as part of its ongoing effort to cut costs…

15 years ago

Lord Carter: 2Mbps Broadband Is Like The Minimum Wage

The government's universal broadband provision may be slower than we'd like, but it's an essential part of social inclusion, said…

15 years ago

Google Bypasses Utilities With Smart Meter Partnership

Consumers can get "smart" information on power use without having to involve their utility, says the search specialist

15 years ago

Environmentalists Dispute VMWare’s “Green” Hydroelectric Claims

The virtualisation specialist claims its latest data centre is "the gold standard" for green design powered as it is solely…

15 years ago

Parallels Launches Bare Metal Hypervisor

Parallels has launched a bare metal hypervisor, aimed at application service providers.

15 years ago

CIOs Frown on Social Networking At Work

A new report shows CIOs think you should be working on company time and not goofing off on Facebook, Twitter…

15 years ago

IBM Reveals Biotech Ambitions

IBM scientists are developing a technology that will enable physicians and other researchers to quickly and easily read and analyse…

15 years ago

IT Companies Broadly Support Fixing US Heatlh Care

Tech companies appear to support reforms that could help the 46 million US citizens who don't have health insurance

15 years ago

IBM Releases More Cloud Computing Tech

At its analyst conference, IBM announced three more additions to its Project Blue Cloud

15 years ago

Cisco Launches German Smart Grid Project

Cisco is partnering with a German electric company, Yello Strom, in a smart grid project designed to create a system…

15 years ago